Drawing from memory is my last result. I take advantage of every opportunity to capture my subjects in a candid moment either live or in a photograph.
Memory Drawing
Memory has two meanings here. One is two use your memories to create a vision of the past. There are some who can see something one time and lock it into their memory and others need a visual trigger to unlock them. The other is much more interesting because it takes years to train you brain to guild your pencil by following what you see. The way we train our brain is to repeat the action over and over until the action become second nature.

Researching Your Subject
Research is learning so much about a subject you become an expert on it. Doing rough drawing to capture your subject or taking photographs to use as research is the other way we create fine pieces of art work. Taking photographs is so easy now with having cameras on our phones. I am an animal artist and sometimes my subjects don’t care that I want to draw them.
Using the photo research is a tool for us to double check our composition and check our eye level, perspective and the light source to get the desired effect of our vision.
Exploring the subjects that captured you eye is the best way to find out the best way to represent it. Animals are different shapes sizes and come from different environments. They are masters at camouflage as seen here.
As we see our drawing come alive as our vision we can see that drawing from research is just another tool to achieve a finished piece of art work.