Artist shine in many ways Part 1

Artist shine as they create an image inside the concept area. This is important to know the boundaries of the space and how to use it.

So what is the concept area and how can I use it to my advantage

The concept picture area is where artist shine. It is the area inside the perimeter you choose to create your vision. It is where all my ideas come to life.

Think of fitting your vision in a square, rectangle, circle or triangle. On a canvas, board or paper.

We were taught to make a shape with your hands by using both hands put your thumbs to opposite hand’s index finger forming a viewing area. It is like using a camera, because you’re looking through the view finder.

Artist shine when creating an interesting concept area

As you look at this area try to decide what you want your viewer to see. By creating rough drawings you can see your vision.

If you like you can work with a grid, so you can explore each section to see how the elements relate to each other. Object you place in this space is what is creating the composition and a center of interest. When we work on these rough drawings you will see that the negative space is very important too because even that is a shape and needs to be consider.

You will want your viewer to explore your work so, by adding a direction for their eye to follow brings more interest. Using line, shape, light and shadow is going to set the tone and allow the work to let the artist shine.

Things to remember when working within the concept area

A grid is useful to see how each section relates to support the focal point

Negative space is just as important as occupied space

Rough drawings are a great tool to explore different composition options

Add interest with shape, color and line

The concept area is inside the frame

Using these things will help the concept area to shine.

Artist shine bright

Some of my work

This concept area shines
artist-shine-in-many-ways-DeHoff Arts- copy writes apply
Negative space is important as the eye level on this piece
DeHoff Arts- copy writes apply
All the element work together to create this composition.
DeHoff Arts- copy writes apply
Gallery Acrylic

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