Standing foundation is an art form of its own. Without a great substructure there is no building anything that last. Art is everywhere we look, it is in the music we hear, the ground we walk on, the art we love and the buildings we live in.
We want our work to stand for something, so learning the fundamentals on how to use the tools to build a great composition is the first key to a great piece of art.
Standing foundation starts with understanding how the tools work
Take a group of pencils, paint, canvas and paper and without the knowledge of what to do with them makes them just a pile of stuff. Knowledge is priceless when it comes to constructing anything. So before you start get to know the tools and how they work. The pencils come in different degrees of hardness and softness they make strokes that will create line, texture, light and shadow which you will over and over again as an artist. There are also colored pencils, charcoals and pastels we can use on many different papers from the rough surfaces to smooth.
Basic drawing classes start with becoming familiar with the tools. Now that you know how to use these tools you can work on building a picture. We do this by experimenting by drawing lines to form shape with is the frame work composition. From this point the sky is the limit to where you take the art. We create beautiful works in paint, sculpture, and print making but they all start as a basic drawing you create. Every vision you want to share can be created with the basic knowledge of drawing, composition, perspective and the four keys.

What does color have to do standing foundation
Color is just another tool to contribute to sharing your vision in an art form. Again I can’t stress enough on how knowledge serves you especially when it comes to color. Painting using color is great when you know how they work. When you learn how to blend color you find what works to accent the center of interest and is part of the standing foundation. Through color we can take our drawings to another level. Painting with brushes just like drawing with pencils take knowledge of the medium which ads in creating the work you want to share.

Every medium has tools to help us master it and as we learn them we find that our visions come to life. A person that masters the medium becomes the artist, singers, musicians, actors and architect we all have to do the work and build with the tools of the medium you want to master. Which brings us back to the standing foundation of all the arts.