Painting in acrylic is different from using oils because of the drying time. I have used both and my preference is acrylics. The colors are bright and beautiful blend nicely.
Painting in acrylic because it is a fast medium
I like painting in acrylic paint, because of the way the paint can be manipulated. It is a fast drying medium which I like because I work at a faster pace. If I want to work at a slower pace there are slow-drying blending medium, flexible modeling paste, gloss super heavy gel, pouring medium and high gloss varnish. These additives have the same properties as the acrylic paint without the pigment. A great tool if I want to add texture or use a pallet knife on your acrylic painting.
When learning to control any medium I take all factors into my decision to use them on a piece.
This acrylic painting has layers of colors
As I mix the paint for this painting I respect the fact that the paint dries fast. I blend multiple colors at a time so I can apply them in layers. The brush strokes of paint in the different colors show the texture of the fur.
The coat of hair on this dog is a smooth coat. While working with the shape of the animal and the direction of the fur I got the effect I wanted. Using cool and warm acrylic colors I created the depth in the folds of his fur covered skin. Every stroke of my brush is adding to my piece, so the paint I use need to give me what I want. The colors in the back ground accent the colors of this dog. He was a strong bull dog with a lot of character.
Sir Walter

To see more of my works here in acrylics and in pencil.