To Work or Not to Work

To work to day or not is a question I have every day. With my AAHD it becomes harder the older I get. I am still easily distracted these days.

How to work with distractions

I find myself trying to find my focus more now than ever because I there is more than just creating great art. There is the production process which is all me. Also, the hardest part for me is the energy it takes to networking. I want to do so much more I just can’t find a way to balance what I have to do. There is this blog, social media and keeping up with life.

I can get distracted easily by emotions, trauma and energy level. Things Just aren’t the same since covid. Still trying to get back in the grove is part of my problem. I guess when I was faced with the pandemic my emotions took over and a lot of things became less important. My family became my focus.

To work through emotions

The feeling of fear for myself, my friends and family was almost too much to bear. Friends and family were in hospitals some made it out and others did not. I tried to work in studio but I would find myself cleaning or reorganizing my space. I felt like I was living in limbo.

Knowing that as time goes on the threat of sickness at that level my strike again. It makes me feel like is this really worth it. When someone contacts me about my art work it brings back my excitement for my craft.

Digging deep I can deal with my emotions and move through what life throws at me.

Working on my art

To work on art has always been a life saver for me, so as I get through the next stage of this life. I need to reconsider my schedule and put some guidelines in place to make this work for me.

Some of the work I have done thru hard times.

tortured artist DeHoff Arts- copy writes apply
Captured joy in the moment with one, my girl Grace
aging artist-DeHoff Arts- copy writes apply
It was a joy to work on the texture or the hair.

These are drawings of my dog, a neighbor’s dog and my son’s dog.

To work on art with animals is something I always wanted to do. This has been rough to stay focused, yet I haven’t given up. My Galleries- Pencil or Acrylic

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