Big cats are so fascinating to me because of the way they live and how their markings benefit them.
How to use big cats as a subjects for art
The reason behind the markings on their fur is what helps to identify which one you use. The setting is part of the composition so knowing as much as you can about your subject is a good place to start. The colors range white to pure black and the markings are there to protect them from predators and to hide them from prey.
See how these big cats move throughout their habitat, what they hunt and how they treat their young. After I’ve done my research I am inspired to pick a medium that fits the vision I have to represent these great creatures.
Drawing or painting what’s next
Now that the subject has been picked, I work on the composition. Portrait, full body, more than one, in action or stalking also, what eye level do I want to use? All these factors I decide before I start along with the medium.
Every decision I make will support the art. As you will see the the strokes of the brush or pencil is intended to bring your eye to where I want it to go. I purposely choose to do these as portraits because I wanted to show the massive size of these big cats their colors and the patterns that are unique to them.
For this drawing I wanted the eye’s to stand out as she sneak up on her pray.

In this drawing she is warning her rival to back off.

These are examples of how I used these beautiful cats as my subject in these portraits. You can see how stunning they are and I am anxious to start a new one soon.