Artist displaying season is here and we are excited to show off our work here in the northeast. The painting, drawing and crafts we have worked on over the winter are ready. The chance to get back into the fray after the pandemic and the previous year.
Fear, chaos and uncertainty is crippling to me. Now that the state and the country is opening up I feel that the work I do to cope with the isolation is ready to be shown.
Venues where artist displaying their works have choices
I always feel that displaying my work in as many places I can is a great way to get to know other artist and the people who may never seen my talent.
I try to do as many as I can in my state. there are web-sites that have calendars to help guide you and me through the selection process. The art fair calendar is one of the site that give us dates, contact, information on contacting the venues. You can sign up for news letter if you wish, but most important the deadline to apply, fees and booth size.
These shows can get you in front of the public. You can pick and chose the places that fit a schedule.
Artist displaying at venues need to remember as we book our schedule
I am an artist displaying my work and I set a budget. It cost to do these festivals and shows. You have travel expensive and transportation issues that need to be addressed. How much help do you need to set up and if you need electricity at your booth.
Size matters artist that displaying large pieces may need more than one space. Double the space double the money.
Protection is one area that we might over look. I carry insurance on my work and booth just incase there are any mishap. Plus it covers my work on display at office, galleries and any where my work hangs. If I’m there or not.
Artist displaying work has to consider the weather. I have a 10″x10″ canopy which is the size of a standard booth.
When can you start setting up the booth and tear down so you can plan ahead.
Is there security at the venue and are you willing to leave your work if it is overnight.
The length of the show and how far you have to travel.
Have extra money in the budget for unseen expensive. Don’t forget to pack a lunch or have extra for food.
Artist working during the show
Showing my work I get opportunity to meet so many people. Understanding that my work is under critique by everyone that looks at it, so I welcome the questions and I am open to discus my techniques and subject matter. Networking is the best way to meet clients. Keeping a contact list so you can let potential clients where you will be displaying your work.
By working on a drawing I am showing my skills for everyone that wants to stop and watch.
As you can see I have a work area set up in my booth.