Life events that effect my art have so much to do with my creative process. Keeping my emotions out of running my business is not as hard as not letting them stall my creativity.
Recent life events have proved to be harder to get through because they have come one after another. The death of a two of my friends and my dog Grace in the last year is depressing to say the least.
Life events good and bad
I think death is the hardest for me because it leaves a hole in my soul. Unlike the birth of a child, a wedding or a new beginning which bring excitement and joy.
Life events that are good welcome because they spark new ideas and increase our excitement as artist. Tackling creative projects seem effortless and fun. As an artist I am effected by life on every level, when things are good I feel as though I could paint or draw for hours. Fatigue doesn’t matter because with every stroke of the brush my creative juices are flowing. The more I get into the work the more fulfilling I feel. I am in a creative zone that brings out the best in my work.
So how do I handle it when things like a death effect my art? I do my best emotional to get through the grieving process. My creative process however shuts down. I find it hard to work on my painting and drawing because I can’t get a grip on my emotions. I can paint or draw emotion because it’s setting the key for a vision I want you to see in the work. Unfortunately when I go through the grief like I am feeling now after so many losses, I can’t focus. Some artist are inspired by tragic events, I am not one of them.
Every life event is a learning experience and can make or break my creative process. Tragic events will never be easy but every time I go through the emptiness it turns into beautiful memories. As I fill the emptiness with these memories I find my way back to my creative self.

Informative article, just what I wanted to find.